A collaborative effort amongst clinicians to produce a module for the Practice Based Small Group Learning (PBSGL) network on the management of serious illness in children.
Archives: Publications
Archives: Publications
Now here’s a potentially controversial idea. In return for doing nightshifts, should NHS staff be entitled to an earlier retirement? This idea came to me during a 4am callout. A recent general recommendation from our accountants to check for any gaps in national insurance contributions, took me to the HMRC website. It informed me – […]
Archives: Publications
Case Presentation to the BASICS Scotland Conference in Carnoustie, about a prehospital BASICS callout for premature labour.
Archives: Publications
The value placed on staff development is often a useful barometer to the culture and outlook of an organisation. An engaged and valued workforce tends to be a happy, productive and effective workforce. Of course, in the NHS, numerous pressures mean that it can be difficult to achieve the Zen approach to staff happiness that […]