David R HoggProfessional Profile
30 Sep 2015

Be the doctor you wanted to be

Dr David Hogg offers an insight into the varied life of a rural GP on the Scottish isle of Arran

WHAT’S the difference between the skeleton of a seal’s flipper and a human foot? With a new-found respect for the range of anatomy required by vets (not just one species!), this is the question I found myself entering into Google at the end of a busy Saturday on call.Such is rural practice. We provide a wide spectrum of medical care on Arran. It’s hugely stimulating, often challenging and occasionally daunting. The limitations imposed by being the only doctor on-call, or by transport logistics of ferry or helicopter, are relatively blatant. However, our patients tend to be understanding – whether residents or visitors – and an acceptance of the need to find common sensibility in dealing with medical uncertainties can be a helpful element of pragmatism from which to manage patient expectation.

[Full article available from link].

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