Thinking back to my own student days, I found myself repeating advice that I had received whilst a student in Stornoway: ‘Seize every opportunity. And never lose sight of the diagnostic power contained within your patient’s story combined with sound clinical examination.’ Inspiring the next generation with generalism. See link to article.
Publication type: Profiling Rural GP
Publication type: Profiling Rural GP
Publication type: Profiling Rural GP
Context: In Scotland 20% of the population live in a remote or rural area spread across 94% of the land mass that is defined as remote and rural. NHS Education for Scotland (NES), NHS Scotland’s training and education body, works in partnership with territorial health boards and medical schools to address rural recruitment and retention through […]
Publication type: Profiling Rural GP
Dr David Hogg offers an insight into the varied life of a rural GP on the Scottish isle of Arran WHAT’S the difference between the skeleton of a seal’s flipper and a human foot? With a new-found respect for the range of anatomy required by vets (not just one species!), this is the question I […]